24 Red Roses in a Bouquet

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24 Red Roses in a Bouquet

Who doesn't love receiving a bouquet of fresh red roses?
Our 24 Red Roses in a Bouquet is the perfect way to show your loved ones how much you care.
This beautiful bouquet includes 24 red roses, expertly arranged by our florists. The roses are fresh and vibrant, and the bouquet comes with a free vase for easy display.
Features & Benefits:
- Fresh, vibrant red roses: These beautiful roses are fresh and vibrant, adding a touch of romance to any setting.
- Free vase included: The bouquet comes with a free vase, so you can display your flowers right away.
- Expertly arranged: Our florists take care in arranging the roses in this bouquet, ensuring that each one is perfect.
How it works:
To order, simply add the bouquet to your cart and checkout. We will then hand-deliver the bouquet to your loved one, fresh and beautiful.

Please Note: Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.

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